Monday, August 21, 2006

No Fluff Just Stuff (Texas Lonestar Software symposium)

As part of my plan to continually develop my Knowledge Portfolio, I just signed up to attend No Fluff Just Stuff in Dallas on Oct. 27th.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Some cool java newletters . . .

In an effort to continue building my knowledge portfolio, I've decided to take the plunge and subscribe my e-mail address to a couple of mailing lists that have some pretty interesting content which I've been following in the past via the old school 'check the website periodically' method...

You can find the archives of the newletters (and ways to subscribe) through the following links:

Friday, August 11, 2006

Some new brainstorms on the Wiki

I've added a new section on the wiki (in the left menu) for what I'll call brainstorms...that is ... wiki pages that are no where near polished or done, but I wanted to jot down some notes so I can start improving them. The first two pages I've created that fall into this category are:


Also of note, while searching for a link for the Rubber Ducking concept (terminology I picked up from the Pragmatic programmer), I stumbled on this interesting site which probably warrants some further investigation on my part: . Specifically it has a list of techniques: Tools for defining the creative problem , Tools for creating ideas , Tools for selecting ideas , and Tools for implementing ideas .

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hibernate Audio/Video Resources

Lately, more than one person has asked me for some resources to guide them on how to easily present what Hibernate is, when it should be used, and how the EJB 3 (JSR-220) spec is related. I usually recommend listening to the authors (Gavin King, Christian Bauer) presentations for a strong point of reference and writing code yourself to gain first hand experience using the API.

Here is a list of Video/Audio hibernate presentation resources I was able to pull together on the subject.

I'll try to post some Experiential style hibernate exercises in the future.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Source now in hosted Subversion!

I've set up a subversion project for any source code I post to the blog/wiki.

SVN repository URL:

I just checked in Blinky to test it out, and it seems to be working ok.

If you're using Eclipse 3.2 and want to check out the souce code, make sure to get the latest subclipse plugin. Follow the instructions at and enter an update site of